Alive Graphics

  • Fashion Editing
  • E Commerce Editing
  • Product Editing

Terms & Conditions


The assistance might incorporate Alive Graphic`s picture editing, picture handling, picture investigation, picture delivery, picture reserving, picture directing, and picture conveyance. You control the moves Alive Graphics makes regarding your pictures, through the Alive Graphics’s web API or the Alive Graphics account page. Alive Graphics isn’t a picture stockpiling or facilitating administration. To utilize the Image Editing assistance, you should transfer your Data & Images to our FTP server, Dropbox & Google Drive. You are liable for what you transfer. Alive Graphics gives restricted capacity and isn’t obliged to save your Data or Images for ever. Our capacity time is restricted to at minimum Of 6 months after delivering the final output. Assuming a picture is eliminated from your capacity or facilitating area, it might stay on Alive Graphics’s servers temporarily.


Protected innovation of client You will generally hold the freedom in pictures and other substance that you transfer to the Services, other than Feedback (as characterized beneath), including messages, materials, information, data, message, music, sound, photographs, video, illustrations, applications, code, or different things or materials (“client content”).

Permit. You thus award Alive Graphics a non-selective, revocable permit to store, show, duplicate, change, make subordinate works of (counting through conglomeration), play out the client content, exclusively throughout offering the Types of assistance and for its inward business purposes.

Satisfactory use You will not (and won’t permit or approve any outsider to) post, transfer, send,  store, make, request, unveil, or in any case distribute through the Services any of the accompanying without the express earlier composed assent of Alive Graphics:

  • Client content that is unlawful, offensive, disparaging, disgusting, explicit, exploitative of youngsters, or intrusive of security or exposure right;
  • Client content that is bogus, deluding or misleading, including to content that shows up confusingly like some other item or application or distorts or dishonestly suggests a relationship with another organization;
  • Client content that would comprise, support, or give directions to a criminal offense, or disregard any regulation or guideline;
  • Client content that, in Alive Graphics’s sensible judgment may uncover Alive Graphics or others to mischief or risk;
  • Client content that contains any data or content that you don’t reserve a privilege to make accessible under any regulation or under legally binding or trustee connections;
  • Client content that might encroach the patent, brand name, proprietary advantage, copyright, protected innovation, security, or other restrictive right of any party;
  • Private data of any outsiders, including addresses, telephone numbers, and installment card data; or
  • Client content that incorporates infections, undermined information, Trojan ponies, worms, delayed bombs, keystroke lumberjacks, spyware, adware, or other hurtful, problematic, or horrendous documents.

Privileges and commitments Alive Graphics holds the right, however doesn’t have the commitment to screen client`s content and to impede admittance to any client content that disregards these Terms or that Alive Graphics sees as in any case shocking. You are exclusively answerable for making reinforcement duplicates of and supplanting client content at your only expense and cost. Assuming you eliminate any client content from the Services, Alive Graphics might hold client content for a financially sensible time frame for reinforcement, documented, or review purposes.


Licensed innovation Alive Graphics holds generally freedoms not explicitly allowed in these Terms. With the exception of the permit explicitly expressed in these Terms, you are not allowed any freedoms in or to the Services by suggestion, estoppel, or other legitimate hypothesis, and generally privileges in and to the Services not explicitly conceded in these Terms are thusly saved and held by Alive Graphics. Alive Graphics holds okay, title, and interest to and in all data, materials, and content (counting text, illustrations, information, arranging, diagrams, plans, HTML, look and feel, photos, music, sounds, pictures, programming, recordings, plans, typefaces, source and article code, design, questions, calculations, and other substance) that isn’t client content (all things considered ” Alive Graphics material”). Alive Graphics material is safeguarded in all structures, media, and innovations presently known or later created.

License On the condition that you consent to these Terms, Alive Graphics therefore gives you a non-selective, non-adaptable, revocable permit to get to the Services (counting any Alive Graphics material in that) exclusively to empower you to involve the Service in the way allowed by these Terms. If Alive Graphics, in its only circumspection, chooses to give any redesign that supplant or enhance the first Services, this permit will oversee any such overhaul except if such update is joined by a different permit, where case the provisions of that permit will administer.

Limitations You are exclusively answerable for your direct (and the lead of any individual who utilizes the Services for your benefit) concerning the Services, which you use in spite of copious advice to the contrary. Besides as explicitly allowed recorded as a hard copy by Alive Graphics, you won’t do, and won’t allow any outsider to do, any of the accompanying:

  • Duplicate, adjust, hack, of replicate the Services;
  • Appropriate the Services or make the Services accessible over an organization where it very well may be utilized by numerous gadgets simultaneously;
  • Lease, rent, loan, sell, or sublicense the Services;
  • Alter, port, interpret, or make subsidiary works of the Services;
  • Eliminate, change, or dark any copyright, brand name, or other exclusive freedoms notice or names on or in the Services;
  • Decompile, figure out, dismantle, endeavor to infer the source code, hidden thoughts, or calculations of the Services or any piece of the Services, but to the degree expected by pertinent regulation;
  • Utilize the Services in any way that could obstruct, upset, contrarily influence, or hinder Alive Graphics’s different clients from completely partaking in the Services or that could harm, handicap, overburden, or disable the working of the Services;
  • Tail, scare, compromise, bug, or cause uneasiness to different clients of the Services;
  • Imitate or utilize the Services by distorting your alliance with an individual or element;
  • Utilize the Services for any illicit or unapproved reason or participate in, empower, or advance any criminal behavior, or any movement that abuses these Terms; or
  • Encroach or disregard the freedoms of Alive Graphics or any outsider.

Infringement If you abuse (or are affirmed to have disregarded) any of the prior limitations, your permit to utilize the Services will right away and consequently end, and you might have encroached the privileges of Alive Graphics, which might expose you to indictment and harms.

Alive Graphics will claim restrictive freedoms, including all protected innovation privileges, to any criticism, ideas, thoughts, or other data or materials in regards to Alive Graphics or the Services that you give, regardless of whether by email, posting through the Services, or in any case (“input”). For the evasion of uncertainty, input does exclude any client content that you transfer for the sole motivation behind using the Services. Any criticism you submit is non-private and will turn into the sole property of Alive Graphics. Alive Graphics will be qualified for the unlimited use and scattering of such input for any reason, business or in any case, without affirmation or pay to you. You forgo any privileges you might have to the input (counting any copyrights or moral freedoms). Try not to send Alive Graphics input to keep on buying or guarantee freedoms in your criticism. Alive Graphics likewise has the option to unveil your character to any outsider who is guaranteeing that any substance posted by you establishes an infringement of their protected innovation freedoms, or of their right to security. Further, you make a deal to avoid presenting any criticism that is slanderous, illicit, hostile, or in any case disregards any right of any outsider, or penetrates any arrangement among you and any outsider.
If it’s not too much trouble, see Alive Graphics’s Privacy Policy for data concerning how Alive Graphics gathers, utilizes, and unveils data about people who utilize the Services.
Alive Graphics might survey, improve, change, or stop (for a brief time or forever) the Services or any highlights, data, materials, or content on the Services. On the off chance that Alive Graphics rolls out a material improvement to the Services, Alive Graphics will advise you ahead of time, by means of email or through different correspondences channels, and offer you the chance to end your utilization of the Services.

Risk with Your utilization of the help is at your only gamble. the assistance is given on an “with no guarantees” and “as accessible” premise. Alive Graphics repudiates all guarantees and portrayals (express or inferred, oral or composed) as for these terms, the help, the Alive Graphics material, and outsider brand names, regardless of whether claimed to emerge by activity of regulation, by reason of custom or utilization in the exchange, by course of managing or in any case, including any guarantees of merchantability, qualification for any reason, non-encroachment and state of title.

Guarantees To the furthest reaches allowed by relevant regulation, Alive Graphics doesn’t warrant, and renounces all obligation for (a) the culmination, exactness, accessibility, practicality, security or dependability of the help or any Alive Graphics material; (b) any damage to your PC framework, loss of information, or other mischief that outcomes from your admittance to or utilization of the assistance, any Alive Graphics material, or any client content; (c) the erasure of, or the inability to store or to send, any client content and different correspondences kept up with by the assistance; and (d) regardless of whether the help will meet your necessities or be accessible on a continuous, secure, or mistake free premise. No counsel or data, regardless of whether oral or composed, acquired from Alive Graphics or through the help, will make any guarantee not explicitly made in these terms.